The use of magnets in medicine is not something new. In fact magnets have been used for thousands of years, and many people are not aware of this fact. They think magnet therapy is some new-fangled alternative medicine. Skeptics argue there is no scientific proof they can be effective for the control of pain which is not true. Controlled studies at university medical facilities have shown that the correct placement of specially designed magnets over the area where the pain is occurring does relieve the pain for many people. That is why thousands of athletes use magnets and don't worry about what others think. It is hard to argue with results.
So exactly how do the magnets work to relieve pain? There are detailed scientific explanations that use words like "c-fiber nerves" and "unmyelinated nerves" to explain the conduction of pain along nerve routes in the body. But in layman's terms the magnets work by blocking the sodium, potassium and calcium from accumulating and causing the nerve pressure and pain. When using magnets in medicine, the magnets are attached to the skin right over the area where the pain is felt.
If you think this concept sounds a bit far fetched, then consider this: the electronic resonance imaging machine (MRI) uses a magnetic field to obtain pictures of body tissue in great detail. Athletes know that magnetic therapy accelerates bone healing which is another reason why many athletes are sold on the use of magnets as alternative medicine. Athletes like to avoid taking drugs whenever possible so the use of magnets can provide much needed pain relief in a safe and healthy manner.
Back pain is one of the most common medical problems people experience. Upper or lower back pain can be debilitating. Some people have intense and short episodes of pain while others live with a dull chronic pain. Back pain affects the quality of life in that it can force people to restrict their activities and living with constant pain is extremely stressful.
The use of magnets in medicine in medicine offers alternative pain management without the use of drugs or invasive surgery. The magnets can relieve pain by interrupting the flow of natural body elements that stimulate the nerves and increase blood flow to the pain area. It is well documented that healing can be speeded up by increasing blood flow, because blood carries oxygen. That is one reason why magnetic therapy is used to heal the bones of athletes that have been broken or fractured.
It should be mentioned that magnets are used to block pain in many other areas of the body besides the back. The magnets can relieve pain in the shoulders, neck, elbows, knees and feet. The comprehensive use of magnets in medicine offers pain relief to many people who have decided they will never find relief from pain.
Magnetic therapy has a lot of advantages over traditional methods of pain control. When looking at the use of magnets in medicine, it is easy to see that as a pain management alternative magnetic therapy is safe and worry free. There are no drugs involved and the therapy is non-invasive. You can purchase the magnets without a prescription and they are economical and long lasting.
If you are looking for relief from chronic pain then magnetic therapy may hold the answer. The use of magnets in medicine is a growing field of study which offers much promise for pain sufferers. You can use magnets that create a steep field gradient over the pain area and feel the reduction of pain within a few minutes sometimes. It just does not make any sense to continue suffering when an effective alternative is available.
Magnet therapy can be used to treat everything from arthritis to depression. Magnets are used externally on the body, often in the form of jewelry, to stimulate circulation. This stimulation results in better rest, more resilience and greater health.
Magnetic field therapy is considered a complementary and alternative medical technique. Based on the physical properties of magnets, the therapy has not been substantially evaluated by scientific studies, and has not been approved by the FDA.
The theory behind the use of magnets is based on the perception that a magnetic field imparted on a cancer tumor creates an unfavorable condition in the cancer cells by increasing cell oxygenation. The cancer cells cannot survive in the oxygen-enriched environment, which leads to the death of the cell.
Some people swear that magnetic therapy has done wonders to help ease their pain and ailments. There's been limited scientific studies on the powers of magnets and there are many critics out there. But, it's said that the magnetic field causes particles to move and heat. Blood vessels are widened and blood flow is improved. Magnetic therapy is non-evasive and can be used to treat diabetes.
Menstrual cramps are mild contractions of the uterus that cause a heavy or an aching feeling in the lower belly. If you're looking for a natural technique to treat menstrual cramps, consider magnetic therapy. Basically, magnets create magnetic fields. In theory, magnetic fields can block the pain signals from reaching the brain, creating relief from menstrual cramps.
Magnetic treatment for high blood pressure
Although there is no known cure for the majority of people suffering with high blood pressure, it is possible to treat it very successfully. Mainstream treatments include water tablets (diuretics) and high blood pressure tablets (anti hypertensives: beta blockers, ace inhibitors and calcium channel blockers).
Magnets can also be used to treat high blood pressure by eliminating excess fluid in the body. When a person is first diagnosed with high blood pressure the first course of treatment a doctor will try is diuretics, the aim of water tablets is to eliminate fluid from the body this is a side effect of high blood pressure ( particularly the extremities: hands, feet and ankles). The excess fluid puts pressure in the heart and this in turn increases blood pressure.
The primary aim of diuretics is to get rid of the extra fluid so that blood pressure is reduced, as the workload of the heart reduces. Magnetised water has a natural detoxification effect on the body, drinking at least 4 glasses a day will eliminate excess fluid (plus toxins stored in the fluid) from the body. This has the same effect a that of diuretics in that as the fluid is “off loaded” the workload of the heart is decreased and blood pressure is reduced.
In addition to drinking magnetised water blood pressure can also be reduced by wearing magnets around the wrist. The radial artery is situated in the wrist and is one of the bodies main arteries, when a magnetic field is applied over the radial artery the magnetism is rapidly and distributed around the body. Blood flow is improved around the whole body and the heart ,the whole circulatory system receives increased oxygen which in turn increases oxygenation of the organs and tissues, as a result of the improved oxygenation the heart does not have to pump so many times a minute to ensure enough oxygen is supplied to the body and this reduces the workload which will automatically reduce blood pressure.
Although these 2 magnetic treatments for high blood pressure are extremely effective and will give results very quickly, it is important to remember that high blood pressure medication should not be stopped suddenly. If you use magnets to treat your high blood pressure ensure that your blood pressure is checked regularly by the GP or practice nurse. When your blood pressure has reduced your doctor will reduce your medication accordingly. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATION MUST ALWAYS BE REDUCED BY A DOCTOR.
Magnetic treatments for Diabetes
Diabetes has many profound effects on the body, increased risk of heart disease, neuropathy( nerve damage), retinopathy() and poor circulation/healing.
Most of these adverse effects can be very successfully treated with the application of therapeutic magnets to specific areas.
Diabetic neuropathy is long-term damage to the nerve fibres. It happens when high blood sugar levels are present over several years. In diabetes, the form it usually first takes is reduced sensation in the feet. The nerve damage affects each foot equally and eventually spreads up the legs. Poor sensation in your feet makes them more prone to injury. Combined with poor circulation this can easily lead to ulcers and infections.
The nerve damage can be short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic). Because this complication is caused by poor blood sugar control, people who don't take enough care in controlling their diabetes stand a higher risk of developing nerve damage.
Diabetic neuropathy can be treated with magnetic shoes insoles. These are usually flexible ferrite magnets that are formed inside a very thin (2mm thickness) shoe insole. The gauss/tesla rating of magnetic insoles is very high, normally around 25,000 gauss/2.5 tesla , per foot. Because the magnets cover the entire foot area they create one very large magnet that has the ability to create a widespread magnetic field , that can penetrate all the way up to the knee , as well as having the strength to penetrate deep into the tissues.
Tests in the USA, using magnetic insoles on patients with diabetic neuropathy revealed that 90% of the patients tested gained an improvement in blood perfusion ( circulation) and in nerve sensation.
The insoles will drastically improve the blood flow to the feet and lower leg plus the oxygen rich blood will help in the renewal of the nerve endings, which will return sensation to the affected areas. Pain, tingling, burning and numbness will be reduced. Most people report that they can feel an almost immediate warmth in their feet and lower legs , followed by a tingling as sensation and circulation return. For the effects to last the insoles should be worn all day every day, but they can be removed at night time.
It is possible to reduce the damage that has built up over the years, by drinking magnetised water. In short, when you drink water that has been magnetised, the magnetic field is very rapidly transported around the whole body. The size of the water molecule is increased and minerals are more easily absorbed. Toxins are draw out of the tissues and flushed out of the body via the kidneys.
Once water has been magnetised it becomes alkaline and this will reduce acidity in the body, hormone levels can also be affected by the water changes that take place during magnetisation. For a diabetic this means that blood glucose levels are stabilised and do not require so much insulin to regulate them, plus blood cholesterol levels will be reduced, which in turn will reduce build up of plague along artery walls.
Drinking magnetised water on a daily basis will begin to reverse the adverse effects of long term high insulin levels. With out high blood insulin levels circulation and perfusion (oxygenation of the tissues) will improve, including the bodies healing capacity. Once cholesterol levels have reduced the risk of heart disease will also be less. Magnetised water should be used on a permanent basis to act as a preventative measure as well as a treatment of current symptoms.
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