Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homeopathy for Swine Flu

Homeopathy has been very successful in treating the symptoms of flu and the Swine Flu pandemic has been no exception. Homeopaths gather symptoms from a large population and discern what is called a "genus epidemicus". The genus is the remedy, or group of remedies, with the symptoms of most people who have a particular flu. These remedies are therefore the most likely remedies to treat a particular flu strain.

Swine flu, which is a nickname for the H1N1 virus, is a new influenza virus that spread in 2009 for the first time. Swine flu is passed from person to person and was a pandemic in 2009. The virus is often called swine flu because the virus has many of the genes similar to those of swine influenza (which is influenza viruses that occur in pigs). Although homeopathic remedies cannot treat swine flu on their own, they can help to improve and relieve the symptoms that are often associated with swine flu.

The Swine Flu showed the typical symptoms of a regular flu with the exception of high fever and chills. As for the genus epidemicus of this flu, there are a few variations of this flu, so a few remedies have been required. This is much the same as in the Flu Epidemic of 1918 when two remedies were used to great advantage and a near 100% survival rate. The remedies mostly used in that flu were Bryonia and Gelsemium.

Remedies that homeopaths have found useful in treating this flu season include:

1. Ferrum Phos is always a good remedy to use in the first stages of flu. Ferrum phos can be taken in the 30c potency. Even the 6x potency, sold as a tissue salt, can stop a flu in its tracks. Ferrum phos can be alternated with Natrum Sulf during the first days of the flu.

2.Dulcamara is useful at the onset of a high fever. The Dulcamara cough hurts from muscular soreness. This flu is frequently brought on by cold, damp weather.

3. Nux vomica treats a flu with chills and pains in bones and joints. The irritability and chills are very marked.

4. Gelsemium treats a low fever, and is also a good remedy if you have not been well since the flu. Gelsemium patients experience weakness with shivering.

5. Arsenicum treats a burning fever that is accompanied with chills, restlessness and anxiety. The person needing Arsenicum is usually thirsty but only drinks small quantities at a time. They can have burning pains.

6. Bryonia is good for type of flu when the person does not want to move. The mouth is dry but they are thirsty.

7. Rhus tox flu can be accompanied with aching bones, restlessness, and a red tipped tongue. This is another remedy that is useful when the flu is brought on by damp weather.

8. Belladonna treats a high fever that comes on suddenly. Other accompanying symptoms of Belladonna include heat and redness.

9. Eupatorium perfoliatum experiences severe bone pains with great thirst.

10. Baptisia is a good remedy for flu, especially if it's centered in the gastro-intestinal track. This remedy can be helpful in the early stages of the flu. The person needing Baptisia can be weak, listless, and feel sore.

The above remedies cover the general conditions and treat the flu symptoms that most have experienced so far.

Influenzinum of latest make must be able to help as a preventative though it's not a fool-proof method. Two or three doses of 200c every dose a week apart will help.

Remedies close to symptoms will always help. so unless genus epidemicus is clear, usage of remedies suitable to symptoms is a wiser option.

Some remedies to have are:

Gelsemium, eupat. perf., Ars. alb, allium cepa, baptisia, rhustox, bryonia, sabadilla, sticta, phosphorus.

For the prophylactic uses of swine flu:When Swine flu appear in a family let all those who are unaffected take Ars.3c thrice daily and let the patients take influenzinum 30c every hour or two.This generally prevents the spread of the trouble and clears up the "Swine Flu" attack.
For the earliar stage of Swine Flu:One dose of Oscillococcinum 200c every 2 to 3 hours or repeat only if necessary.
Other remedies Which can help you:Cimic,Ars,Bell,Bry,Hep,Merc,Gels,Aconite,Rhustox and Eupat.perf

Arsenicum Album and Arsenicum Iodide for Swine Flu
Arsenicum album is a homeopathic remedy that works well for swine flu that causes symptoms that affect the respiratory tract. This homeopathic treatment works best for H1N1 sufferers with a dry throat and a burning pain that affects the throat or the upper airway. Watery diarrhea is also common for those who will benefit from this homeopathic treatment.

Arsenicum iodide is a homeopathic remedy that works well for those with swine flu who suffer from constant chills and tend to get overheated easily. This homeopathic treatment works especially well for those who sneeze constantly and have an inflamed throat

Dulcamara and Bryonia for Swine Flu
Dulcamara is a homeopathic medicine that works well for those with swine flu who have difficulty opening their eyes and have a sore throat. This homeopathic treatment works especially well if it hurts to cough and works best for those who have symptoms that worsen when exposed to cold air.

Bryonia is a homeopathic medicine that works well for those with swine flu that is accompanied by a deep, dry cough. It is also recommended for a headache that is accompanied with muscle aches. Those who will benefit from this homeopathic treatment often have stomach pain that worsens with movement and is relieved when the sufferer lies down for long periods of time. It's also common for those who will benefit from this homeopathic treatment to have a dry mouth.

Although it may not be necessary, many people prefer to see a licensed homeopath to have a homeopathic remedy selected for them based not only on their medical condition, but also on their medical history. Licensed homeopaths are also better able to diagnose symptoms that the individual may not even notice.

1 comment:

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