The term dandruff generally refers to the condition of the skin wherein shiny, silvery scales separate from the scalp and collect amidst the hair. Seborrheic dermatitis is quite a common skin condition that affects the scalp causing an itchy scalp and scaly or flaky skin and stubborn dandruff. The condition can become troublesome when the skin gets infected.
Dandruff is a harmless condition that involves an acceleration in the normal shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp.This dead skin accumulates as white flakes in the hair and sometimes causes itching. The condition is most common in young adults
There are two main types of dandruff, namely dry dandruff and oily dandruff. Those with an oily skin tend to suffer from oily dandruff while those with dry skin suffer from dry dandruff. The type of dandruff home remedy that one chooses must therefore be decided according to the type of dandruff. Oily dandruff can be a little tougher to treat as it tends to recur quite easily while dry dandruff can be prevented quite easily. Nevertheless, with a suitable dandruff home remedy and a regular hair care regimen, you can get obtain permanent relief from this condition. While most people see dandruff as a purely cosmetic problem that can be embarrassing at times, dandruff can have several serious repercussions. Dandruff increases one’s risk of scalp infections, especially dry skin conditions, like psoriasis and it can also cause loss of hair which is generally temporary but which can be permanent. Dandruff can also cause itching on your forehead and face as it settles on your skin. This may explain why some people tend to confuse the itchiness and skin irritation symptoms of lice, or rather head lice with dandruff. A dandruff home remedy needs to be used for a prolonged period to ensure that the condition is successfully treated. Very often, people use home remedies for dandruff for just a week or so and as soon as the dandruff has seemed to have cleared, they stop the treatment. However, discontinuing treatment before the condition has cleared completely will cause the problem to resurface. A dandruff home remedy is usually made up of natural ingredients and can be used for at least two weeks or so as this will ensure permanent relief.
Causes of Dandruff
Many dermatologists think that dandruff is associated with a yeast fungus called Pityrosporum ovale (Pity ros' por um o va' le) or just simply P. ovale. This microscopic one-celled organism lives in the skin of everyone and usually causes no problem. It is only when it starts to proliferate that problems emerge.
The proliferation may be caused by an excessively oily scalp. P. ovale cannot synthesize the fatty acids they need to survive. They have to get these fatty acids from the oils secreted from the sebaceous glands adjacent to each hair follicle in the scalp. Scalps that are excessively oily are good breeding grounds for these one-celled organisms. In this oil-rich environment, they increase in number and probably contribute to rapid skin cycling and scaling.
The P. ovale theory of dandruff is convincing, but there may be factors other than yeast fungi that promote dandruff. Some of these factors are:
1. Cold, dry weather. Dandruff is much more common in the winter where the weather outside is frightful, but the dry indoor heating is even more frightful.
2. Bad hygienic habits. Infrequent shampooing, harsh shampoos, use of the wrong conditioners, and improper rinsing can all contribute to dandruff.
3. Too frequent coloring of the hair. Coloring and all the heat-related torture that women undergo in beauty parlors certainly do not promote a healthy scalp.
4. Long-term stress and anxiety. This is a low-probability cause of dandruff but it can't be ruled out.
5. Bad diet. A diet rich in saturated fats and trans-fatty oils causes the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum - the delicacy that P. ovale, as well as other flora, thrive on.
6. Hormonal changes. These changes, especially in a woman's body, can accelerate skin cell cycling.
Dandruff Symptoms
The Scales from the Scalp Fall
When the hair is combed or brushed, or when the scalp is scratched, the scales from the scalp fall like snowflakes and settle on the eye brows, shoulders, and clothes. These scales sometimes appear as lumps or crusts on the scalp. This is most commonly seen when the individual is suffering from dry dandruff. However, people with oily dandruff will observe different dandruff symptoms as compared to those with dry dandruff. People with oily dandruff will not have loose scales of skin as the scales mix with the sebum from their scalp and this forms a thick greasy covering over their scalp. While it may not be as easy to detect this type of dandruff, it will still be apparent while combing your hair as the greasy mixture of dandruff and sebum will coat the teeth of a comb. Dandruff control measures are equally important, no matter the type of dandruff one is suffering from. You can use more than one type of dandruff home remedy method to increase the effectiveness of the treatment. You can separate the various dandruff cures according to how they are used. You can use one dandruff home remedy as a hair tonic for dandruff and use another as part of a deep scalp cleansing process.
Itching is there and Scalp may Become Red
Often there is itching as well and the scalp may become red from scratching. In cases where itching and discomfort is intense, the individual may scratch his/her scalp so badly that small wounds and scabs appear. This is a serious problem as it drastically increases one’s chances of suffering from a secondary scalp infection. Constant scratching and aggravation could cause severe dandruff hair loss and so it is important to take additional steps to reduce the itching and discomfort. People with oily dandruff can get temporary relief from the discomfort by lightly dusting their scalp with a fine powder made out of dried and crushed Margosa leaves. This powder will help to absorb excess sebum and thus reduce itching and since Margosa leaves have strong antimicrobial properties, this powder will also help to prevent infection. People with dry dandruff can mix two drops of tea tree oil with half a spoon of olive oil as tea tree oil has potent antifungal properties. You can massage this blend of oils into your scalp after you wash your hair as it will help to protect and moisturize your scalp and prevent itching. It is important to keep in mind that this type of dandruff home remedy is meant to treat discomfort caused by dandruff and must be used in addition to a dandruff treatment method.
What Can Be Done?
If you have dandruff, the first thing I would suggest is to get a bottle of non-prescription 1% Nizoral Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. (The prescription 2% Nizoral is for more severe cases of dandruff.) After you shampoo with your regular shampoo and rinse it off, pour a little Nizoral into the palm of your hand, and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for three to five minutes before thoroughly rinsing it off.
Do this two or three times a week for a month. If this rids your scalp of the dandruff problem, use Nizoral only once every week after your regular shampoo to prevent the dandruff from returning. The effect of Nizoral is long-acting so it is a good preventive measure.
The active ingredient in Nizoral is ketoconazole (ke to co' na zole). This chemical is effective in keeping the yeast fungus P. ovale in check. Even though I don't have dandruff anymore, I still use Nizoral at least once a month - just in case. It has a good fragrance, and, as the company says, "It is pH balanced leaving the hair soft, healthy, and clean."
Many other anti-dandruff shampoos work by changing or normalizing the pH of the scalp thereby making it harder for P. ovale to proliferate. The pH of scalp skin should be relatively neutral. The pH scale goes from 0 to14 with 0 extreme acid and 14 extreme alkaline. Neutral is a pH of 7 on the scale. Pure water has a pH of 7. Even though many shampoos (Nizoral included) claim to balance or neutralize the pH of the scalp, it is mostly the quality of the water that determines your scalp's pH after a shower.
If the water quality in your area is too hard or soft, it is especially important to use a good conditioner. Experiment to find one that is suitable for your hair, preferably a conditioner separate from the shampoo. Try this for a cheap conditioner: one part apple cider vinegar to three parts warm water. Rinse your hair with this. There is a health food store in Santa Barbara that claims miracles for apple cider vinegar - it balances the pH of you scalp along with your bank account.
As for shampoos, select a mild one preferably without the harsh detergents like sodium lauryl sulfate. It might also be best to avoid shampoos with plant oils in them. These plant oils promote the growth of P. ovale and could be allergenic. Jojoba oil is OK. If you use oil to groom your hair, just plain mineral oil is the least damaging to the skin and hair.
Be careful of the sun. New studies have indicated that UVA penetrates 165 to 250 micrometers into the skin and can damage it and the hair follicles as well. The tanning salons, by the way, use UVA.
Homeopathic Medicines
Mezereum 200: Five pills four times a day, helps in getting rid of dandruff. Indicated for dandruff when it is severe, the hair gets entangled and scabs are formed on the scalp.
Calcarea Sulph 200: Five pills four times a day has been found to be very effective, specifically indicated when dandruff is yellowish in colour.
Arnica 200: Five pills four times a day, is recommended for damaged cells, caused due to hard brushing, combing, pulling of hair, tight buns and resulting in dandruff.
1.While washing hair, apply fresh limejuice,as it removes stickiness and dandruff.
2. Sour curd (yogurt) applied on the scalp and washed after 30 min will help to do away with dandruff.
3. Wash hair with neem leaves in boiling water or weak salt water to check fall and dandruff.
4. Mix 8 tbsp of groundnut oil with lemon juice and rub the mixture on the scalp,leave for half an hour and then wash as usual.
Foods that should be avoided are starchy, meats sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods should be avoided. Refined carbohydrates in white flour or sugar should be avoided because they deplete the body of B vitamins. Sometimes an allergy to dairy products such as chocolate, nuts and shellfish may cause dandruff.
There are many treatments available to manage and control dandruff. Nutritional supplements,take more green vegetables,salad, fruits,milk,curd and sprouted in the diet. Herbal oil and anti-dandruff shampoos offer new options but each of these treatments works differently for every individual.
Following homoeopathic medicines are useful, but for final selection of homoeopathic medicine consult the homoeopathic physician.
Ars.Alb. Scalp itches intolerably; circular patches of bare spots; rough, dirty, sensitive, and covered with dry scales; nightly burning and itching; dandruff. Scalp very sensitive; cannot brush hair.
Ammonium Mur. Hair falls out, with itching and dandruff.
Calcarea Sul. Dandruff on the scalp causing eruptions with thick yellow crusts; eczema; also pimples due to dandruff; falling of hair.
Carboneum Sul. Dandruff on the scalp; eruptions crusts; eczema; itching; moist scaly pimples, sore and painful.
Graphites. Herpetic dandruff (dandruff accompanied with eczema or other eruptions). Scalp scaly with distressing itching, humid. Falling of hair. Burning on vertex.
Kali Sul. Yellow dandruff, bald spot
Mezerium. Dandruff with great itching and loss of hair.
Nat Mur. White dandruff, alternating with catarrh or loss of smell.
Phosphorus. Itching of scalp, dandruff, falling of hair in large bunches.
Psorinum. Dandruff smells badly.Humid eruption on scalp; hair matted. Hair dry.
Sanicula. Scaly dandruff over the scalp, eye-brows and other hairy parts.
Sepia. Dandruff in circles, like ringworm. Moist scalp; hair falls out; pimples on forehead near hair.
Thuja. Falling of hair due to dry white scaly dandruff.
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