People suffering from asthma often have allergic tendencies; a genetic predisposition is common. Constitutional homeopathic care (with the guidance of an experienced professional) can help to improve a person’s general health on deeper levels and possibly reduce the tendency toward asthma. Correctly-chosen remedies can help reduce distress during asthma attacks; however, emergency medical care must be sought in any serious attack. If a person has great difficulty breathing, looks very pale, has bluish lips, or seems to be very weak or in danger of losing consciousness, seek a doctor’s help immediately.
Arsenicum album: A person needing this remedy can feel exhausted, yet be very restless and anxious. Breathing problems tend to be worse while lying down, better when sitting up, and may begin, or be the most intense, between midnight and two a.m. Dry wheezing may progress to a cough that brings up frothy whitish fluid. The person can be thirsty, taking frequent tiny sips. General chilliness is usually seen, with burning pains in the chest and heat in the head. Warmth often brings improvement.
Carbo vegetabilis: This remedy may be indicated when a person feels weak or faint with a hollow sensation in the chest. Coughing jags can lead to gagging. The person may be very cold (especially hands and feet), yet feel a need for moving air, wanting to sit beside a fan or open window. Gas and digestive upset are also likely, and sitting up and burping offers some relief. Feeling worse in the evening, and worse from talking, eating, or lying down are other indications for this remedy.
Chamomilla: Asthma with a dry, hard, irritating cough that starts after being exposed to moving air, or after becoming overexcited and angry, may be helped with this remedy. The cough is often worse around nine p.m., and may continue into the night. The person seems hypersensitive and may be extremely irritable and agitated. (Children may even shriek and hit, though they often calm down if someone carries them.)
Ipecacuanha: Coughing spasms that lead to retching or vomiting strongly indicate this remedy. Wheezing can come on suddenly with a feeling of suffocation and heaviness in the chest. Mucus collects in breathing tubes, but the person has difficulty coughing much out. The person may sweat a lot and feel clammy or nauseous, be worse from motion, and sometimes worse from warmth.
Natrum sulphuricum: This remedy is sometimes indicated when asthma attacks are brought on by exposure to mold and dampness. The person may hold the chest while coughing, because it feels so weak. Wheezing and breathing difficulties are aggravated by exertion, and episodes tend to be worse in the very early morning.
Nux vomica: Indications for this remedy include a tense, constricted feeling in the chest during asthma attacks, with pressure in the stomach. Problems are often worse in the morning. Overindulgence in stimulants, alcohol, sweets, or strong spicy food can bring on or aggravate an episode. Both physical effort and mental exertion can make things worse, and warmth and sleep often bring relief. A person needing this remedy is typically very irritable and impatient, with a general feeling of chilliness.
Pulsatilla: Wheezing that starts when a person gets too warm (especially in a stuffy room), or after eating rich food, can indicate this remedy. Coughing brings up yellow-colored mucus, with gagging and choking. Tightness in the chest tends to be worse in the evening and at night, and is relieved by cool fresh air. A person who needs this remedy is likely to be changeable and emotional, wanting a lot of attention and comforting. (Pulsatilla is often useful in children’s illnesses.)
Spongia tosta: A hard or “barking” cough during an asthma attack is a strong indication for this remedy. Breathing can be labored, with a sawing sound, and not much mucus is produced. The person may feel best when sitting up and tilting the head back, or when leaning forward. Warm drinks may be helpful. The problems often start while the person is asleep (typically before midnight). Spongia is often used in croup, as well.
Antimonium Tartaricum
This is a good asthma remedy for children and the elderly particularly when the asthma has been caused by an infection such as bronchitis or obstructive pulmonary disease. The cough will sound wet and there will be coarse rattling in the chest on both inspiration and expiration. The patient will be worse lying down and at night generally.They may be irritable and want to be left alone.
Apis Mellifica
Use Apis for an asthma attack in an acute allergic reaction. Breath feels tight and painful with dry wheezing. The patient will feel better in open air and much worse for heat or hot drinks.
Carbo Vegetalis
Severe acute attacks of wheezing with significant belching and flatus. patient feel very weak and may collapse.
Arsenicum Album
Short, dry asthmatic cough with a wheeze.
use this medicine when every infection goes to the chest with a wheeze and cough. Worse in the morning, at twilight and especially at 10pm or with sudden changes in temperature. Better for lying on the right side.
This patient has both forms of asthma: wet acute infections with greeny discharges and also allergic asthma (often hayfever related). In both cases the patient must sit up during the asthma crisis and is better for fresh air. Even fanning may help them feel better.
Natrum Sulph
Asthma worse in damp conditions often with morning diarrohea.
Like eczema, asthma is an inflammatory disease. In asthma the airways become constricted by swelling, making breathing difficult. In developed countries 1 in 4 children have asthma as opposed to 1 in 18 people 40 years ago. Corticosteroids such as Flixotide and Pulmicort in the form of puffers are widely used to treat asthma but these pharmaceutical drugs do nothing to change the progression of the disease. A broader, nutritional and environmental approach is required, and when combining this approach with Homeopathy, significant improvements or cures can be achieved.
Homeopathic medicines can be a viable alternative to steroid medications. They can be given as an acute treatment in place of puffers but more importantly, Homeopathic professional treatment working with the whole person can cure asthma entirely.
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